I love the age old adage that tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it. Life is hard and sometimes we may find ourselves suffering from bouts of depression and anxiety, self doubt, self loathing and being depleted of happiness and joy. Life doesn’t need to stay like that! There is always a new… Read more »
Posts Tagged: happiness
Pull up your Anchor

Sometimes in life we just float along in the river, we may be in a boat, ebbing and flowing with where the water might take us. But quite often we get stuck. Maybe it’s a branch or a rock or a tree that stops us dead in our tracks and we feel powerless to move… Read more »
3 Easy Steps to Attract Abundance & Joy in Your Life!!

We attract into our life that which we are. Why do some people seem to attract more wealth, happiness, joy, and others seem to only attract sorrow and problems? Have you ever heard of the Law of Attraction? I have used it in my own life and have seen some amazing results!! For instance, one… Read more »