What does It Mean to Balance the Chakras?
The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language meaning disk, vortex or wheel. The Chakras are structured to receive and transmit energy to the organs in it’s governed area of the body. I see the chakras as centers of energy in the 7 main areas from the base of the spine to the top of your head. When they are working properly, they not only supply energy to the organs, but send out light to the body. Experiences and personality traits can be recorded in the chakras.
What Happens when the Chakras are OUT of Balance?
Six Easy Steps to Visualize the Life of Your Dreams
Have you ever heard the story about Acres of Diamonds? An old farmer saw several people a day going past his home with wagons onto their journey to find their treasure. The farmer was tired of his boring life and wanted an adventure too. He talked to his priest and he told him where the others were going to find treasure. He sold his farm and moved away in search of his treasure. Needless to say, he died unfulfilled, never having found his treasure. Little did he know that the next farmer that bought his home, was out plowing and found big chunks of black rock that had beautiful diamonds inside. The property had acres of diamonds beneath the soil. Many of these gems now sit in palaces and are highly sought after.
Do you ever feel like you fall short of your dreams? Wanting something so badly, but never seeming to make it to the glorious end result you’ve been seeking? Well, I want to give you six easy steps to visualize the life of your dreams.
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Balancing the Chakras

In my work as an energy healer, I have seen over and over this last week that Chakra 4 and 7 are out of balance with my clients. The 4th Chakra is connected to the Heart and the 7th Chakra is our connection with the Divine. When these two Chakras are out of alignment simultaneously, you can have a hard time focusing, you may feel like you are living in a fog and may experience anxiety and depression. You may also have a weakened immune system and circulation problems.