Sep 2024

Raising Your Vibration

After a personal energy session you feel so clear and light and are vibrating at 100%.  Your chakras and meridians are clear and you just feel good.  I often get asked, “how can I keep my vibration high and maintain it even on tough days?”

Wouldn’t it be great if we could  keep our personal vibration strong and positive at all times?

The key to remember is that your body and spirit already know what to do to get back into that feeling of peace and high vibration.

Here are 6 easy actions that you can do today to raise and strengthen your vibration. {Read More}

Oct 2020

Blessings of 2020

The blessings of 2020 have been immense.  It is so good to take a moment and reflect and look more deeply at the blessings that this life has to offer us.  It you think about 2020 vision, it is a huge blessing to have a pair of glasses or contacts to help sharpen our vision.  I encourage you to pull out some 2020 glasses and take a deeper look.

So far I have noticed that I am so grateful for this free country that we live in.  My children are finding more gratitude in a free education and the blessing it is to go to school when it is open.  I’m grateful for more time to spend together as a family and to enjoy the great outdoors.  As I peruse the aisles as Walmart and sporting good stores, I notice that recreational products are completely sold out.  People are getting back into nature and spending time in nature.{Read More}

Jan 2020

5 Simple Steps to Healing

There seem to be Five Simple Steps of Healing that I see happen in the Energy Therapy work that I do.  I have outlined the steps below.  The process is so easy and simple and flows quickly and easily within a session.  I think the most important part is to continue on your journey.  Invest in yourself and your healing… create a new life story!  Let’s break down each section with more clarity.

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