Prepare Your Family With a Natural First Aid Kit

Anyone who has watched the news or seen the newspaper headlines will have heard about the tragic disasters that befell Nepal within the past few weeks. Nepal has suffered two remarkably powerful earthquakes: On April 25, Nepal endured a 7.8-magnitude earthquake, and then it was hit by another 7.3-magnitude earthquake on May 12.
In addition to those two monumental events, the news is always replete with many sad stories of natural disasters at home and abroad. And the fact of the matter is, we just never know when a natural disaster is going to strike our hometown. The storm season is upon us, and we need to be ready!
So, in the interest of being prepared to take care of our families, it is smart to prepare a natural first aid kit to have on hand in case of emergency.{Read More}
Spring Cleaning With Essential Oils

Now that springtime has finally arrived, it’s time for spring cleaning once again! Everything else in nature is starting fresh, so it’s time to do the same with your own household!
Even if your home looks tidy at first glance, you might be surprised (or horrified) to learn what’s lurking beneath the surface. For instance, according to a cleaners’ site called, 70 to 80 percent of dust particles in the home are comprised of dead skin cells! Eww! The other 20 or 30 percent comes from outdoor particles that enter the home, such as soil that’s blown indoors or carried inside on shoes and pets.
Here at Joy in the, we want you to have a fresh start for your summer. There’s just something about spring cleaning that helps you to ward off the winter blues and spring into summer. We offer more than 50 great cleaning recipes to help you get started.{Read More}
3 Essential Oils to Promote Spring Respiratory Health

Spring is such a refreshing and beautiful time of year. It’s a season of rebirth and renewal. As the Earth is revitalized and summer approaches, blossoms bloom and flowers flourish. But every rose has its thorn, and for many people, the thorn of spring is respiratory discomfort.
Seasonal respiratory discomfort develops when the body’s immune system becomes sensitized and overreacts to something in the environment. If you experience seasonal discomfort — then you may have issues with seasonal respiratory health.{Read More}