Spice Up Your Thanksgiving Feast With Essential Oils and Petite Pumpkin Pies!

Thanksgiving is in the air and in our hearts as families prepare to gather together to share Thanksgiving dinner. This year, why not spice up your Thanksgiving feast by using your all-natural essential oils? Many of the essential oils can be used to enrich your cuisine, as well as your health.
When we think of Thanksgiving dinner, most people think of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. This year, we’ve got the perfect essential oil recipe for you to try! Your relatives will rave with these Petite Pumpkin Pies, and they are a delicious way to finish off any feast.
Here is how it works:{Read More}
Vision Board Tune Up
Have you every felt that your vision board is just something on the wall that is gathering dust? Is it a constant reminder of the goals and dreams that you have that are not coming to fruition. It can be frustrating to see visions boards work for everyone else and you feel like you are never going to be able to take something off of yours to put in your success binder. Do you want to know 2 secrets that can help you to get things moving?
The first thing that I learned is that we need to be co-creators with God. Yep, I said that in my out loud voice. We need to check in with God on the things on our vision board and see if they are things that are in alignment with His will. When we are in sync with God and allow him to help direct our lives, things run a lot more smoothly. So first you will want to go through each item on your board and “check in” through prayer or meditation to see if that item is a yes or a no to keep on the board.{Read More}
Finding Emotional Joy This Fall as the Holidays Draw Closer

Autumn provides so many joys for us during this beautiful time of year. As
the leaves are changing into bold and beautiful colors, and the chill in
the air surrounds us, the love of family and friends grows as you prepare
to celebrate the holidays together.
With the emotional strains that the holidays can sometimes bring, the
hustle and bustle can quickly escalate into full-blown emotional distress,
even in the midst of memory-making.
But we have good news, and it’s just in time to introduce the new mood-enhancing kit containing six new essential oil blends. These blends are unique, and each blend helps with different
emotional needs. These oils can be thought of like gifts from Mother Nature, providing aid by using natural resources to help us feel more wholesome and complete.{Read More}