Aura Personalities
ts,Have you ever wondered what an Aura is? Before I learned about energy work, I was not sure what an aura was. So let me fill you in, an aura is several bands of colorful light that surrounds a person like a halo. It is said that all objects and all living things manifest such an aura. Various writers associate various personality traits with the colors of different layers of the aura. It has also been described as a map of the thoughts and feelings surrounding a person. I believe that our aura’s contain many of our personality traits and God given gifts. There are up to 19 different colored bands, but most people have around 4 to 8 different auric bands.{Read More}
Green Light from Heaven
I had an amazing experience the other day that showed God’s love for me!! I was driving home at night from an EMS training and was thinking contently about something I have been praying about. I was tossing around ideas in my mind and trying to come to a yes or no answer. As I was driving along, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, two small blue lights blinking on a fence along the road. I thought to myself how odd that I would see those two blue lights. As I continued driving, I thought to myself how cool it would be if I could see a Green Light and that would mean a Yes to my question.
Within about 10 seconds I saw a giant green light flashing from the top of a tractor that was parked off to the side of the road. I immediately felt a burning in my chest of God’s love for me that brought me to tears. I realized that He wants to answer my prayers and cares about even the littlest things!! I think my angels were helping with this little miracle. I’m so grateful for the little manifestations of God’s love in my life on a daily basis!!
A Little Motivation Can Make a Big Difference

The New Year has begun, and it is accompanied by many new resolutions and promises of change. However, sometimes it can be difficult to keep yourself motivated amid feelings of doubt, shaky confidence, pessimistic thinking, and even the cynical outlook that life can sometimes bring. That is why here at Joy in the Mountains, we strive to help you keep that spark of motivation and positivity alive with the new Encouraging Blend.
The Encouraging Blend is one of six oils in an amazing mood-enhancing kit. This remarkable blend is part of the kit, or it can be purchased separately. The Encouraging Blend is comprised of stimulating scents such as peppermint plant, vanilla bean, rosemary leaf, melissa leaf, yuzu peel, basil herb, coriander seed, and clementine peel. The blend has a very clean and fresh aroma that’s mixed with a touch of mint to give you the added boost and confidence you need for your day.{Read More}