I recently learned a valuable lesson on a conference call for my business. My coach asked me what my win was for that day. I had to really think hard. I had been focusing on everything I hadn’t done and comparing myself to everyone else and I was missing out on the JOY of all… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Manifesting
Bulls Eye on Your Goals!
Starting your day with intention makes the biggest difference in reaching your goals. Intention brings clarity. I like the example of ordering a hamburger from a restaurant and then complaining when you only get a plain burger patty on your plate. We need to be more intentional and give more detail in what it is… Read more »
Improve Relationships in 3 Easy Steps
Have you heard the saying that what we focus on expands? I have found this so true on many occasions. Have you ever lost a hub cap and because you are focusing on how much it irritates you, everywhere you go you see the cars that are missing a hub cap? What annoying habits or… Read more »