Here are some Great Affirmations for the heart and mind and Chakra 4 and 7.
Chakra 4: Heart Chakra/ Color Green
I am loved because I was born. Heaven rejoiced the day I was born.
My feelings and emotions are safe. I am living in the energy of joy.
It’s safe for me to forgive others and allow my heart to heal. I am moving forward.
I forgive easily trusting that God will take care of the details. I am peaceful and balanced.
I am connected with my core truth. I am safe no matter what happens.
Everyone is safe no matter what happens. I take in life fully.
I am worthy and deserving of my mother/father’s time and attention.
Chakra 7: Crown Chakra/ Color Purple
I receive and follow inspiration.
I am listening to my inner voice and am led by God.
I am free of outside influences. It is safe to be my authentic self around others.
I validate and honor the light in others doing so makes my light shine brighter.
I am letting my light shine. The spirit guides me in my affluence.
I am attracting others that respect my light.
I am living my purpose and thriving. I can influence the events in my life.
I am true to myself.