Essential Oils play a powerful role in Emotional Healing. We all hold Unresolved Feelings of pain and hurt which may need to be brought to the surface for Transformation and Healing. There are Five Stages of Healing with Essential Oils as stated in (Emotions and Essential Oils by Enlighten Alternative Healing, LLC).
The Five Stages include:
- Essential Oils Assist in Healing the Physical Body.
- Essential Oils Assist in Healing the Heart.
- Essential Oils assist in releasing limiting beliefs.
- Essential Oils increase spiritual awareness and connection.
- Essential Oils inspire the fulfillment of our life’s purpose.
Essential Oils are powerful in aiding with physical health. They are 40-60 times more powerful than herbs. They assist our bodies in fighting unfriendly microorganisms, purifying organs, glands and body systems, balancing body functions and raising the body’s vibration.
As the oils secure physical health, they can then give us the energy we need to penetrate the heart and enter the emotional realm by raising our vibrations. As your body lives in a higher vibration, it wants to release stagnant anger, sadness, grief, judgment and low self worth. Those feelings of low vibration cannot coexist with your new environment of balance and peace that the essential oils helped to create.
Emotional healing occurs as the old feelings surface, you deal with them on a conscious level and then they release. Some feel as they begin to use the oils, that they are regressing, this is just part of the process of bringing those feelings to the surface. We must release trapped negative emotions before we can receive positive feelings. This step cannot be skipped.
It is important to remember that Essential Oils do not do our emotional work for us. They simply assist in the process. As feelings surface with the application of oils I would suggest that you use meditation and journaling along with prayer to facilitate the healing process.
I would highly recommend this Book: Emotions and Essential Oils by Enlighten Alternative Healing, LLC
It lists Essential Oils and the Emotional Feelings that they can help to surface and help you to release. Please see their book for complete details on how to use the oils for the following.
Basil- The Oil of Renewal
Bergamot- The Oil of Self-Acceptance
Birch-The Oil of Support
Black Pepper- The Oil of Unmasking
Cassia- The Oil of Self-Assurance
Cedarwood- The Oil of Community
Cilantro- The Oil of Releasing Control
Cinnamon- The Oil of Sexual Harmony
Clary Sage- The Oil of Clarity and Vision
Clove- The Oil of Boundaries
Coriander- The Oil of Loyalty
Cypress- The Oil of Motion and Flow
Eucalyptus- The Oil of Wellness
Fennel- The Oil of Responsibility
Frankincense- The Oil of Truth
Geranium- The Oil of Love and Trust
Ginger- The Oil of Empowerment
Grapefruit- The Oil of Honoring the Body
Helichrysum- The Oil for Pain
Juniper Berry- The Oil of Night
Lavender- The Oil of Communication
Lemon- The Oil of Focus
Lemongrass- The Oil of Cleansing
Lime- The Oil of Zest for Life
Marjoram- The Oil of Connection
Melaleuca- The Oil of Energetic Boundaries
Melissa- The Oil of Light
Myrrh- The Oil of Mother Earth
Oregano- The Oil of Humility and Non-Attachment
Patchouli- The Oil of Physicality
Peppermint- The Oil of a Buoyant Heart
Roman Chamomile- The Oil of Spiritual Purpose
Rose- The Oil of Divine Love
Rosemary- The Oil of Knowledge and Transition
Sandalwood- The Oil of Sacred Devotion
Tangerine- The Oil of Cheer and Creativity
Thyme- The Oil of Releasing and Forgiving
Vetiver- The Oil of Centering and Descent
White Fir- The Oil of Generational Healing
Wild Orange- The Oil of Abundance
Wintergreen- The Oil of Surrender
Ylang Ylang- The Oil of the Inner Child
Another tool that is powerful in knowing what oils that you need for emotional healing is a Zyto Compass Scan. Quite often we are not even aware of what is buried in our Subconscious. The Zyto Compass Scan reads Biomarkers in our body and asks our body questions and our body responds. It is similar to a lie detector test. It then gives you a list of what oils you need. Some oils are for physical issues, but I have found that 80% of the oils that I scan for are for some type of emotional need. Learn more about the Zyto Compass It is a great tool for you and your family!! Get One Now!!

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**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are intended for educational purposes only. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and are not a substitute for professional healthcare. All recommendations are based on third party research of essential oils and their effectiveness when used for the above listed ailments. See for references to some of those studies. Check out the research and make your own decisions based on complete information.